Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Chart Drag-and-Drop Functions

When you have created a chart the following configuration options are available when using dragging items from the Data Explorer onto the chart.

Icon Description

This will change the resolution level of the chart. The resolution indicates what you are actually counting; people, households, orders and so on. You can change the resolution by dragging the required table form the Data Explorer and dropping it on the Count area. Recalculate if prompted and the chart will redraw to show the updated counts.

This option adds an additional column axis to a chart. Drag a new column from the Data Explorer and drop it onto the Column area. Recalculate to view the amended chart.

If you would like to change the row or column axis of an existing chart then drag an appropriate column from the Data Explorer and drop it on the Row or Column (arrow) area.

If you would like to add an additional row axis to a chart then drag an appropriate column from the Data Explorer and drop it on the Row (plus) area.
Note: The availability of these options depends on the item you are dragging onto the chart and the chart's current configuration.
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